Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Family day =)


having nice korean food with family ^^ (its on my treat leh=p)

mummy & daddy

me * sis

spicy nian gao~ its looks so damn -red- hot- spicy ~~~but not spicy at all...

there is a korean nian gao at sunway 's asian avenue more spicy than Daoe rae...but this looks spicy but actually not spicy nian gao nice also ...suitable for little kid...cus not spicy mah...

this free 1 leh... mayb see me quite liang lui free 4 for me~ haha...
its chrunchy side ! nice!

tvxq came to this restaurant b4...but is kepong branch 1....

kuso bro

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Daddy ask me how much is this shoe? i ans : Rm 5
Daddy: u shud buy 1 for your sister mah! (=.= he really taught its only cost rm 5 omg!)

;(...see my pale sleepy=( Way to the curve ~~~went for the edc by esprit warehouse sales ~ mmm... i dun really like warehouse sales, cus every1 is like crazy edi grabgrabgrab, and those clothes are like garage...??? rubbish??? haha...o soweeyy...i am not rich but i really dun like pergi warehouse sales=( but darling suka sangat lar...and he is super excited everytime got warehouse sales...haha..=p i think thats y we r match...hehe~

最近又找到便宜货了!!!(thx to my baobei hehe) 我的美丽日记面膜,大S也推荐过呢...外头买RM6一片,我RM4.50就买到了!!! Happy happy!! 不错用~~ 喜欢红酒的...好用耶...你们也试试去吧...

Silly face~

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


或许是原本就爱哭吧, 一想起你要走了,就会哭,因为我不想分开,一秒钟都不愿和你分开。想想,过去的几年你总在身旁,分开最久也是和家人去旅行的一个礼拜多不见,却已叫我挂念死你了。可是,很多事情并不总是如你所愿,想和你一起走,却有一堆阻碍,too many barriers...想不让你走,却不能那么自私呀!
过去,想了很多,想你在那儿会不会和别人在一起了啊,会不会不理我了阿, 真得想很多...想要放弃这一段恋情,因为我真得很怕你走了以后感情慢慢变淡的感觉...朋友说这样还不错,至少不会太心痛,可是对我来说就像是在等死...所以呀,我以为最好的方法就是现在就来个了断吧,我渐渐变得更加无理取闹,爱发脾气,你总是挨骂...却又静静的,不回我嘴...有一次,我问你:“诶,要怎样你才会不要我呢?” 你说:“你变态啊?!哈哈,我怎么会不要你呢?你是我的宝贝,不要你的话我要谁呢?” 我真的觉得我问的问题,很...傻...
还有一次,你带我到马六甲去,说要带我去吃这个那个...我知道那是因为,我们在一起的时间不多了,你要和我到处玩玩, 吃你以后去了英国没得吃的malaysia美食。 那一天,我又开始无理取闹了...闹了很久,你还是没怎样,若无其事的样子...我更滚...我一直在发脾气,终于,你开始沉不住气了,把车停在路旁,我和你开始吵了起来!我试图把你气走...一直在说很讨厌的话,一直要和你分手...可是你这只打不死的苍蝇,怎么赶也赶不走...即使我有多坏,即使我曾让你那么难堪,即使我有多野蛮,有多不好...你都一直守着我...护着我。陪我走过难走的路,不让我受伤,给我依靠...给我你能给的...给我我想要的...谢谢...当你离开我的时候,别太挂念我...我希望,你到了那么远的地方,若有人给你靠一靠就靠吧,有人给你更温暖的拥抱就抱吧...别太想我...放心看看更远更大的世界...